The next meetings of the three main central banks will be held this week | IFCM Čeština
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The next meetings of the three main central banks will be held this week


The Bank of Japan, the US Fed and the Bank of England will hold the next meetings this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. According to market participants, only the Bank of England can really raise the rate from 0.5% to 0.75%. As it is expected, the Bank of Japan may announce some measures to tighten its monetary policy. In particular, plans to reduce the yen issue volume, directed asset redemption and stimulation of the economy. The possible Fed statements are the main intrigue of the Forex market. Earlier, representatives of the US regulator announced plans to continue the rate hike policy. However, recently, US President Donald Trump criticized it, noting that strengthening of the US dollar deprives the US economy of competitive advantages. On Monday, the US dollar index slightly decreased. It has been traded in a narrow range of 94-95.6 points for the 6 consecutive week.

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